January 2021 Newsletter

To 0ur Friends and Sponsors ,

Our name tells you that we, our students, families, tutors, and board strive to be healthy in Character, Academics, Service and Achievement.  2020 was a strange year.  

We attempted to assist students with the virtual learning classes presented by the school district in the spring of 2020. Most of our students did not have theknow how, experience or confidence to participate, and just dropped out, stayed indoors, and waited. During the summer, having hopes of presenting a summer learning option, staff trained and prepared activities. As the COVID 19 cases rose, we closed completely and put our training and preparations on the back shelf for future opportunitiesIn the fall, the schools opened to ZOOM classes, and review software. Again the farm labor students were unable to participate. 6 weeks into school, parents reached out to Mi CASA and our staff was able to put the primary students into ZOOM classes (on the chrome books provided by the district teachers) and open up instructional software. We were with the students from the time school opened in the morning until 2:30 in the afternoon. Students flourished and got involved. When the buses came and classes opened up for in person lessons, we returned to our after school support role. We serve the primary students, but are pleased to know that the older students are doing their best.

We must share, that Yessenia Castaneda’s entry into the annual “What Home Means to Me” poster contest won at the national level. Her poster will be included in the National Housing Authority 2021 calendar, Congratulations, Yessenia!

Also, past high school graduate, Armando Garcia, is registered in the Political Science Department of U.C.Berkeley this spring ! Great job, Armando!

We have all the COVID 19 precautions in place. Staff and students have their temperature read and recorded upon entry, then, there is a screening of symptoms and contacts which is recorded. Next, students and staff wash their hands with warm soapy water and go to their designated learning space. Using social distancing, there is one tutor per student, or family group (the twins have a tutor). All of us want to stay well.

Remarkably, everyone is reading, completing their homework and several virtual learning sessions, writing paragraphs, and memorizing math facts, just like always. But this year, with all the challenges and 6 months of no school in 2020, it is wonderful to see students moving ahead to succeed in school. The staff is dedicated to their students and Mi CASA . Thanks to you, your faith in us, and your encouragement, we continue to help farm labor students do their best and  help farm labor families keep safe and well. Your donation cover the expenses incurred by social distanced tutoring, motivational awards and required non profit expenses. Thank you!

Staff and Board of Mi C.A.S.A. EDUCATION, INC.

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